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A Chain Reaction For Diana Ross

A Chain Reaction For Diana Ross

Creative Spark has gone all Motown and created a 40 second commercial for ‘Diana Ross – The Greatest’, a 44 song collection of her all time classics.

Click here to see the commercial!

The Universal Music brief was to create a commercial using a mixture of imagery and archive footage, spanning across five decades. Neil Marra (Managing Director) said: “The agency has worked with Universal Music for over a year and has produced a number of compilations album covers and commercials for different music genres, Diana Ross is the most iconic yet and we are delighted with the results. There is nothing more rewarding than seeing the agency’s creativity on prime time TV.”

Universal Music said they loved how Creative Spark matched some of the best-loved songs of all time to sophisticated, eye-catching graphics, which emphasised Miss Ross’s iconic status as the biggest female pop star of all time.