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My Journey To Spark: Emillie Watson

My Journey To Spark: Emillie Watson

Journey To Spark Emillie Landscape

Tell us a bit about who you are and what you do at Spark?

I’m Emillie, and I’ve been at ‘Spark’ almost 3 months now, so yes, I am still a newbie! It’s been amazing so far, and I’ve already got stuck into some exciting briefs and projects.

I’m a Midweight Designer here at Creative Spark, which means I have a few years’ experience under my belt, and work across multiple media channels. I work across a variety of brand and web projects, and as no day is the same I am constantly expanding my skill set and being challenged as a designer.

What’s the best thing about working in the agency/creative industry space?

I am lucky to be able to say that I absolutely love my job and the industry I work in. For me it’s like doing a hobby or a keen interest outside of work, but instead I get to do what I love day in, day out, I get to be creative every day, and I couldn’t imagine doing anything else! The feeling when you see your work out in the wild never gets old!

Tell us a bit about your journey before Spark

I studied Fine Art and Art History at Manchester Metropolitan University, specialising in Modern Art. My interest in becoming a designer developed when I designed a painting in Illustrator before putting it onto canvas. This really helped me develop my interest in graphic design. After I graduated I applied for as many internships as I could to gain industry experience.  I landed my first role as a Junior Designer at an agency called Statuo.

After almost 3 years working in an agency, I had an opportunity to be part of a newly formed in-house design team working on a global rebrand at PHMG.  Following 2 years of learning all the in-house tricks I’m back agency side and I love it!

How does Spark make you feel part of the team?

‘Spark’ are a sociable bunch, we’ve already been on a few socials since I joined and it’s the perfect way to gel with the rest of the team. I’ve also been given the opportunity to get involved on any of the projects ‘Spark’ are working on.  A collaborative culture is super important to me and it’s great to work alongside such talented creatives, and be involved in all sorts of different projects without being constrained to working on one brand.

What was your highlight from the ‘Spark Inside Out’’ day you did recently?

The walk was such a nice way to socialise outside of the office walls and blow off the cobwebs. After a good 3-hour walk, we went to a pub for a pint and pizza which I can highly recommend – The Hanging Gate Inn, Higher Sutton in Macclesfield. If you’re in the area, call in! (I’m not on commission!!)

What has been your career highlight to date?

There are a few stand out moments, but the one which stands out the most for me to date is having the opportunity to design an advertisement to be shown in Times Square, New York. I was only a Junior at the time, so it felt a bit surreal that my work was going to be up on the huge screens in one of the most iconic cities in the World!

Tell us an unpopular opinion

Coke Zero over Diet Coke. I’m so passionate about this subject.

Do you have a party trick/fun fact about yourself?

My name is spelt Emillie because my Dad said this spelling- ‘Emily’ reminded him of Emily Bishop off Coronation Street. 28 years later I’m still correcting people’s pronunciation!