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Do the right thing: Why upholding integrity important in our business and yours

Do the right thing: Why upholding integrity important in our business and yours

Do The Right Thing 01

Competition is fierce and the pressure to succeed in business can be overwhelming. But one principle that stands the test of time when looking to build sustainable success, is integrity. ‘Do the right thing’ is one of our principle behaviours at Spark – so in this article we explore the importance of integrity and honesty in business, times when this might be challenged, and how we maintain these principles in difficult times. 

At Spark, we firmly believe that integrity and honesty aren’t just lofty ideals, but essential foundations upon thriving businesses are built. Integrity goes beyond regulatory or industry compliance; it encompasses a collective commitment to moral and ethical principles that guide every aspect of our operations. 

It starts with the recognition that trust is the currency of meaningful relationships, be it with clients, employees, partners, or the wider community. 

When stakeholders rely on the integrity of our actions and decisions as their agency, we know that we have a responsibility toward them, their customers and the impact they create. We take that seriously.

“Do the right thing is a key value – it helps guide everything we do at Spark. It ensures we work with integrity and honesty at our core. This does mean that we sometimes need to face difficult conversations head on, but we do this with the knowledge that we are all working towards a shared vision and goal.

The trust that our team and clients have in us is strengthened by them knowing we won’t bullshit them – we will discuss potential issues and work together to find solutions.” 

Charlotte, Operations & Finance Director

Let’s look at some of the key challenges to upholding integrity: 

  • Facing pressure to cut corners to meet deadlines
  • Making tough choices that may impact short-term profits
  • Staying true to our principles in the face of social, economic or political influences

Maintaining our moral and ethical standards in decision-making requires transparency and accountability within our agency. This begins with clear communication of our values and expectations, ensuring that every Spark understands their role in upholding integrity. 

Another key aspect is leading by example. As leaders of our agency, it’s on us to demonstrate unwavering commitment to ethical principles in our own actions and decisions. This means taking responsibility for mistakes, admitting when we fall short of our values, and always striving to do better.

We don’t view integrity as a hindrance to success, but as a catalyst for it. Research suggests that companies with strong ethical cultures outperform their peers, attract top talent, loyal customers, and build strong partnerships.

That’s exactly the type of company we want to be. What about you?