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Fancy a Brew? #randomspark

Fancy a Brew? #randomspark

There is something deeply comforting about a hot drink whether it be a brew, a cuppa joe or a hot chocco… especially at Christmas, when the weather outside is frightful and the stress of Christmas shopping looms over you. Our Creative Director and Senior Partner, Neil Marra, wanted to share that comfort with some strangers in his local coffee shop. Here’s what he had to say about his chosen #randomspark:

“I visit my local coffee shop every morning and see a mix of both familiar faces and passers by I’ve never seen before. I thought it would be nice to give something back to the friendly faces I see most days in a place where I feel comfortable and relaxed.

People pop in and out of the coffee shop everyday in their own bubbles, and if they’re anything like me, are on a conveyor belt of life that is pretty much the same routine everyday. I wanted to put some excitement back into their lives by making them look up and smile for a second and realise sometimes good things happen for no apparent reason at all.

There were smiles all round as I handed out free drinks and brought some #randomspark merriness to their days.”

We hope Neil’s  #randomspark spread a bit of Christmas love and at the least put a smile on the faces of those that were treated to their morning brew of coffee. Keep checking the blog for even more #randomspark activities.