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Inside Spark: Digital – The technical team behind Creative Spark

Inside Spark: Digital – The technical team behind Creative Spark

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The technical team behind Creative Spark – Charlie and Tom, take two

Welcome back to Inside Spark. In this three part blog series, Charlie and Tom from our digital studio take us behind the scenes to explore the technical aspects of web development that make Creative Spark a standout agency.

Charlie and Tom, tell us about getting your geek on? 

Charlie enthusiastically explains, “We love our tools, from Figma for prototyping to WordPress and Shopify for robust content and eCommerce platforms. But it’s our ability to push the boundaries with CSS frameworks like Tailwind and JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js that really sets us apart.” 

Tom adds, “We often work on complex projects requiring integration with third-party systems, custom user interfaces, or bespoke eCommerce solutions. Our work with Trending Travel, integrating leading travel systems, is a prime example of our technical prowess.”

What about some of your biggest technical challenges? 

Charlie and Tom recall some of the more complex projects they’ve tackled. “Our work with Trending Travel stands out,” Charlie says. “We built a website that integrated with the same systems used by leading travel agents, handling vast amounts of data and complex middleware requirements. It was a challenging project, but it demonstrated our ability to handle intricate technical demands.”

Tom highlights their application development capabilities, “We often create custom user interfaces or bespoke eCommerce solutions in JavaScript, PHP, or .NET. These projects require a deep understanding of both front-end and back-end development, and we’re proud of the sophisticated solutions we’ve delivered.”

Do web projects ever fail?

Charlie explains, “Web projects can fail due to shifting requirements or poor content. We’re lucky in this respect and we’ve a great history of making sure our clients are engaged from the start, know the importance of high-quality content and can see the project through to the very end.”

Tom highlights the role of project management, “A strong project manager ensures we meet deadlines and client expectations. They keep the project on track and facilitate communication between all parties. It’s a collaborative effort that makes the process as smooth and enjoyable as possible.”

Our technical expertise drives our creative solutions. If you have a challenging project, we’re here to help. Just email us at [email protected]

Liked this? Read the other blogs in this series: Finding the Spark in Digital and Signs you need a New Website 

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