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Spark Inside Out – building our culture and confidence

Spark Inside Out – building our culture and confidence

Spark Walk

We held our second Spark Inside Out day early this month, an initiative we launched last year to ensure we had quality time as a team, focusing on both personal growth and the business. 

The first half of the day, the “Inside,” was all about practising a skill that many find daunting – public speaking and presentations. This was a great way to tie the day into our ongoing Confidence Programme. 

To make it engaging, we asked everyone to present their Unpopular Opinion. From hot takes on pizza and roast potatoes to debates about office footwear, the topics were certainly diverse! But what really stood out was how the team embraced the challenge, stepping out of their comfort zones and confidently communicating even the most unconventional ideas. It was truly inspiring to see everyone bring their A-game.

A big thank you to the team for diving in with enthusiasm! Whether or not we agreed with the opinions shared, the presentations were brilliant.

Why is confidence so important in the workplace? Here are the top three reasons:

  1. Increased productivity: Confident employees are more likely to take initiative, make decisions, and tackle challenges head-on. This leads to higher productivity and more efficient problem-solving.
  2. Improved collaboration: Confidence allows individuals to voice their ideas and opinions more freely, leading to better teamwork, enhanced communication, and more innovative solutions.
  3. Personal growth and development: A confident team is a resilient team. When people believe in their abilities, they’re more willing to step out of their comfort zones, take on new challenges, and continuously grow both personally and professionally.

After this confidence-boosting session, we moved on to our monthly Like Club. For those unfamiliar, Like Club is where we exchange ideas, get creative, and discuss topics that inspire us. It’s always a highlight of the month, allowing us to tap into different perspectives and brainstorm fresh ideas that we can bring back into our work. 

To wrap up the day, we headed outdoors for the “Out” part with a group walk to Rivington Pike. The weather was true to British form – a little bit of everything – but that didn’t stop us from having a great time. We enjoyed a picnic beneath the trees, took in the blustery views from the top, and finished with cold beers at the bottom. There’s something about getting outside that really helps to clear the mind and refresh the spirit, and this walk did just that. It was the perfect way to end the day and strengthen our team bonds.

Here are the top three reasons we think it is so important to get out with you team:

  1. Mental clarity: Spending time in nature helps to clear your mind, reduce stress, and improve focus. It’s a great way to step back, reflect, and recharge.
  2. Physical well-being: Fresh air and movement boost energy levels, improve mood, and contribute to overall health. It’s a simple yet effective way to stay active and feel good.
  3. Team bonding: Being outdoors in a relaxed setting encourages natural conversations and connections. It’s a great way to build stronger relationships within the team outside of the usual work environment.

Days like these are so important for us as a team. They remind us that growth isn’t just about hitting targets – it’s about challenging ourselves, supporting each other, and making time to connect as people. After seeing the impact of these Spark Inside Out days, we’re excited to keep them going.