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The Great Spark Towers Redesign

The Great Spark Towers Redesign

We’re rebuilding Spark Towers, from the ground up! Well, not really, since we live on the first floor, and we don’t think our neighbours would be too happy with that. But we’ve decided to keep things fresh in the office by moving and spreading ourselves around a little bit differently.

Right now, our famous quiet space shed is being rebuilt in the main part of the office complete with grass, picket fence and picnic bench. It also gives us a lovely full view of Hammo’s designs in the garden room again.

We’ve decided to make the agency space a more communal zone, with an outdoor/indoor space, sofas, beanbags and more. Max definitely approves, and has already adopted a beanbag as his personal crash mat. If you want to chill out on the sofa, do some web design in the web shed or have a relaxed chat around the table, it’s the place to be.

We’re used to jumping into quick meetings anywhere around the office, so we want to be super flexible if or when we need to squeeze in a few extra people. Of course, we still need to have some desks – we’ve moved a few into what used to be our gentleman’s lounge to make a big social work area.

We want our offices to be comfy, relaxed and above all fun places for us to work, so that we can carry on being as creative as possible. Right now, a lot of this is work in progress so if you’re visiting us any time soon, don’t be surprised if our furniture seems to be travelling around a lot – it hasn’t grown legs (…or has it?)