Everyone loves a Tri-er: Spark vs Cancer
Al, our copywriter, starts with a swim in a 5-lane 25km indoor pool at Wilmslow Leisure Centre for 400m. Claire, Business Development Director, will be spinning as fast as she can in a 23.8km cycle through the picturesque Cheshire countryside. And, last but not least, Leanne “the legs” Ledger, will run for 6.3km near to the River Bollin. A great effort if we say so ourselves.
Unfortunately, cancer is something that is close to most of us, in one way or another, so please dig deep into your pockets to donate towards the amazing work that Macmillan provide. We can’t do it alone.
Here’s our Just Giving page and thank you in advance for your support.
The rest of the Sparks (those of us that pant after climbing the stairs to the office) will be providing the cheerleading entertainment on the day of the event and we’d love it if you could join us.
See you there.