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Inside Spark: Digital – Finding the Spark in digital

Inside Spark: Digital – Finding the Spark in digital

Digital 01

Finding the Spark in Digital – Meet Charlie and Tom from Creative Spark’s digital studio

Welcome to Inside Spark, our blog series where we delve into the brilliant people behind Creative Spark. Today, we’re excited to talk to Charlie and Tom from our digital studio. In this three part blog series, they share insights into the latest web trends, effective working practices, and what makes our approach unique.

Hi Charlie and Tom! Can you explain to our readers what’s at the heart of our approach to building websites? 

Every web project starts with a deep understanding of a client’s goals and target audience. Charlie explains, “The aim of your website is crucial. By focusing on your audience, we ensure that the end result supports your business and integrates seamlessly with your marketing and technology stack.”

Tom adds, “A common mistake is structuring a website based on internal business categories rather than user needs. We emphasise using language and structure that solve user problems and communicate solutions effectively.”

Where do you find your creative inspiration?

Charlie and Tom take pride in pushing creative boundaries. “Our work with Catapult and Ballerz showcases our ability to innovate and engage users,” says Charlie. “Whether it’s a content-rich website like Vital Community Energy or an outreach program for Greater Manchester Higher, we relish the diversity and goals of our clients’ projects.”

What are the latest key trends in web design? 

Charlie shares, “User experience is maturing with common layouts and interactive points becoming standard. However, we still push the envelope with unique typography and creative use of space, tailored to each client’s brand.”

Tom highlights the importance of maintaining functionality while innovating. “In eCommerce, for example, familiar structures can be enhanced with subtle interactions and design finesse that engage customers without overwhelming them.”

Charlie is excited about AI’s potential, “AI is a big topic right now. We’re exploring how it can enhance website search functionality and customer service, making user interactions more natural and efficient. Experiential design and interactivity are also areas we’re passionate about.”

Tom elaborates on creative trends, “We’re seeing a lot of interesting developments in typography and use of space. These trends require a brave and dedicated approach, but when executed well, they can create a truly unique and engaging user experience.”

Liked this? Read the next blogs in this series: The technical team behind Creative Spark and Signs you need a New Website. 

If you’re ready to transform your web presence, contact us at [email protected].

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